Why It's Important to Vaccinate Your Pet

Why It's Important to Vaccinate Your Pet

Part of good veterinary care is vaccinations for both dogs and cats. Two types of vaccinations are available, core vaccines and lifestyle vaccines. At North Heights Veterinary Clinic in Appleton, our veterinarians offer both options. Vaccinations are designed to trigger the immune system to fight off future infections. Vaccines can be given in combination to avoid serious illnesses.

One reason for pet vaccinations is to comply with the law. In Wisconsin, all dogs must be vaccinated by the age of 5 months. This is needed to get licensed. Many cities require that cats also are licensed and for a cat to be licensed it must have a rabies vaccine. The vaccine is good for between one and three years and needs to be renewed after that.


Core vaccines have been determined to be vital to maintain the health of your pet. They protect against very serious illnesses that can result in the death of your pet.

Dogs core vaccines

Core dog vaccines are distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus, and parainfluenza.

Dog lifestyle vaccines

Bordetella - If your dog gets boarded or goes to doggie daycare, this is the vaccine that protects them from kennel cough. It is usually required.

Lyme Disease - For outdoor dogs who live in an area where Lyme disease is prevalent.

Cat core vaccines

Core cat vaccines are feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus, feline panleukopenia, and feline leukemia.

Cat lifestyle vaccines

Bordatella - The reason for this vaccine is the same as for dogs. It is required if you are going to board your cat.

Chlamydia - An upper respiratory infection that can affect cats.

Get Pet Vaccinations in Appleton, WI

For veterinary care for a dog or cat, you can count on our veterinarians at North Heights Veterinary Clinic to provide vaccinations and more. Call our team today at (920) 739-7816 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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