Does Your Pet Need Medical Attention

Signs Your Pet May Need Medical Attention

Your responsibility as a pet owner is to ensure your pet lives a long, healthy life. This responsibility extends to understanding signs of potentially severe health issues in your pet and seeking appropriate care to prevent future complications. North Heights Veterinary Clinic in Appleton, WI, is here to tell you some signs that indicate your pet should visit our veterinarian.

Eating or Drinking Changes

While minor eating and drinking changes should not cause immediate alarm, drastic changes could signal severe health issues that need prompt treatment. Some signs your pet may have an acute medical issue include:

•             Refusing to eat

•             Increased appetite

•             Eating unusual things, like dirt or household objects

•             Increased thirst

Gastrointestinal Problems

Pet vomit is relatively common, such as when dogs eat something that does not agree with them. However, excessive vomiting or vomiting that lasts for multiple days often requires immediate attention. Some cases of severe vomiting indicate an underlying condition or a life-threatening blockage.

Pet diarrhea is another issue that is not unusual. Switching to a new food, stress, and other environmental factors can lead to this symptom. However, diarrhea can cause dehydration if it continues for extended periods. Seek emergency care if your pet’s gastrointestinal symptoms are not letting up.

Urinary Changes

Sudden changes in the color or frequency of your pet’s urine could signal several health issues that require timely veterinary care. Your pet could be dealing with a urinary tract infection or prostate problems. Contact your veterinarian if you notice blood in your pet’s urine or your pet strains when urinating.


While mild limping may not cause immediate alarm, limping that lasts for several days or significantly impacts your pet’s ability to move often requires immediate care. These could indicate an injury or chronic conditions like arthritis and hip dysplasia.

Other Medical Issues

Other medical issues that warrant prompt veterinary attention include breathing problems, severe coughing, weight gain or loss, excessive scratching or licking, and persistent skin issues. Our veterinarian will examine your pet to determine the cause of its health issue and provide treatment to preserve its health and happiness.

Preserve Your Pet’s Health and Well-Being by Visiting Your Emergency Vet in Appleton, WI

If you notice any of the above signs and symptoms in your pet, do not hesitate to contact your emergency vet at North Heights Veterinary Clinic in Appleton, WI. Our vet clinic can resolve your pet’s health issue and ensure it continues living a long, healthy life. Call us today at (920) 739-7816 and schedule an appointment to protect your pet’s health and happiness.

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